the processes of nature, and industrial machines. He chose wood as a medium after seeing the works
of the Oregon sculptor Leroy Setziol. Self-taught in art, Steven’s education was in ancient and medieval languages and teaches
part-time in the English Department at Weber State University.
B. J. Child will be exhibiting her art at the Studios of Imagine Ballet Theatre.
Yes, walls were colored at the age of two.
To Principal’s Portrait, Yearbook Cover, too.
Renewing Teaching Certificates was the best.
Art Credits were accepted; releaving stress.
Ribbons awarded from a Judge’s Heart,
Encouraged creating a lot more Art.
Promoting on canvas atomosphere
Brings sightings to others now near.
A Gallery gave one the Purchase Prize.
Utah Traveling Show carried a huge size.
Comments about images others can see
Creates smiles in B. J. Child, that’s me.