Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival 2018
Deja Mitchell: Adjunct Weber State Dance, AUM Eden, Utah
Kelly Alifano: Adjunct Weber State Dance Soaring, Imagine Ballet Theatre Layton, Utah
Jessica Haslip: Imagine Ballet Faculty Gate Control Theory, South Jordon, Utah
Fiona Nelson: Myriad Dance Company Atargatis, Riverton, Utah
Andrea Sward: Orchesis Dance Theatre Glimpse of God, Bountiful, Utah
Zac Bliss: Bliss Dancers Conforming, West Haven, Utah
Lance Tripp: Syracuse Dance Academy Lance Battle!, Ogden, Utah
Jamie A. Johnson: Utah Valley University: Repertory Ballet Ensemble Looking Back, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Aubry Dalley: Independant Seed Orem, Utah
Christina Stockdale: Dance Captain Tournament of Kings, TBD Imagine Ballet Theatre Las Vegas, Nevada
Lance Tripp: Syracuse Dance Academy Artemis and Apollo, Ogden, Utah
Fiona Katrine: Studio Artists, the Dance Illusion Artistic Company, Flock, Logan Utah