Imagine Ballet Theatre is holding Company Auditions January 11th, 2025. Registration for all ages, 9+ are at 9:30 am, the audition class will be 10:00 – 11:30.
Dress code for girls is a black leotard, pink tights, and pink shoes. If you have pointe shoes, please bring them, and you may be asked to put them on at some point during the audition.
Dress code for boys is a white t-shirt, black tights and black shoes. Hair swept neatly away from face while dancing.
Please bring a dance resume and a first arabesque picture, a headshot if you will.
Joining the Company of IBT is a commitment to the live art of performing. The season starts January 18th and goes through December 20th. Being a part of the company is a year long study that includes mandatory classes with Imagine Ballet School, at least one four week summer intensive program, and includes our Spring Show Cinderella. Nutcracker of course is included in this. Dancers who are in the company do not have to audition the rest of the year, whereas guest dancers are required to audition for any performance we have.
Being committed to the company throughout the year gives dancers the time to focus on their own dance education, as well as learning to work with a group of people over a long period of time. The longer dancers work together, the more in sync they become, and the better their performing will be for lifetime.
Extra activities such as dancing at the Tea Party, outreach programs, and other opportunities such as performing with the Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival, and other things that may arise throughout the year.
Selling an ad in our program is also a requirement of being in the Company. It’s the only way to keep our participant fees down, as we do not charge your dancers for Company Class or Rehearsal time, and as a non-profit, we need fundraising help to keep our prices low.

Here are some of the performances we have put on in the last few years, regardless of Covid trying to bring us down. These pieces include: Pillow Party, Not so Proper Princess, Pursuit, Red Balloon, Essence of a Rose, and a modern piece Axyst.