I would like to announce the Choreographers participating in this years Festival. Congratulations to them all. Looking forward to seeing all their work live on stage at the Peery’s Egyptain Theatre, Feb 27, and 28, at 7:30 pm. Peoples choice voting will take place on Feb 27th, show and Awards will take place on the Feb 28, 2015.
I have been with Imagine Ballet Theatre in the Nutcracker for the past 7 years. My name is Danielle Lee Dreis and every December I have been a part of The Nutcracker directed by Raymond Van Mason. This ballet is filled with magic, dreaming, dancing snowflakes, romance, and childhood memories.
In 2007, I had the honor of performing as a Party Girl, Toy Soldier, Page, and a Gingerette. The opening scene attending Clara’s Christmas party is a fun and exciting scene. The little girls wear bright colored dresses with big bows in their curly locks. I fondly remember the vibrant color of my blue dress that year. The boys wear cute little vests and bow ties around their necks. Dancing as a Party Girl is a huge role for character development. The children play with Clara, happily receive gifts, get excited for the toys, and tire when it’s time to go home. Throughout the entire scene I was able to develop my character by interacting with Clara and the other characters while reacting to the main focus of the scene. As a Gingerette, I jumped out from under the skirt of Mother Ginger performed by Burke Stone. This has always been one of my favorite roles. I loved dancing to the fun and joyful music. Entering under a giant tent like dress and surprising the audience with our colorful appearance was a great way to start the dance. Clapping and cartwheeling until the very end of the song. I always felt special to get the part of blowing the audience a Great BIG Kiss and running off stage. I love that Ray created Imagine Ballet Theatre’s Nutcracker with various parts, levels, and characters. As you get older and increase in skill the roles and dancing get harder. I always looked up to the older dancers playing parts like Doll, Snow, Arabian, and Mirliton.
In 2008, I danced Party Girl once again in the same blue dress. This year I was no longer one of the youngest Party Girls but was continuing to advance in roles. From Party Girl, I changed quickly into a Toy Solder costume. The Toy Soldiers had wooden guns as props and fought next to the Nutcracker. I always enjoyed fighting the Rats because my cousin Vince Hendricks was one of them. In Act 2, I danced as a Page and an Arabian Girl. The Pages enter at the beginning of Act 2 and act as the Sugar Plum Fairy’s servants. We had purple capes and purple feathers on our hats. I enjoyed the spritely dancing and framing of Clara’s entrance into the Land of the Sweets. Backstage I will always remember the quick change from Page to Arabian. Arabian was always fun for me because I related it to Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. We wore two piece blue silk and chiffon customs with gold coins around the bodice. We also got the opportunity to dance with a silk scarf. I worked extremely hard to get my right splits all year because I knew this dance required the ability to slide into the splits without hands. I love watching and dancing with the Arabian Queen and her Prince dreaming one day I would get the opportunity to dance that part.
In 2009, we performed Nutcracker and I was once again a Party Girl. I received many of the same parts as the year before. I continued to improve as a Toy Soldier, Page, and Arabian. As a Page this year, I felt special because I pushed the sleigh out for Clara. In Arabian I danced every year prior with my favorite Arabian Queen Jessica Barraza. Each year the Nutcracker brings the Christmas spirit and one of the things IBT does as a company is perform to the schools. As a young dancer I really enjoyed performing to children my own age. I knew not very many kids had the opportunity I had to miss school and perform with a wonderful family of dancers. Another thing IBT does each year is they enter a float in the Ogden City Christmas parade to prepare the community for a rendition of The Nutcracker.
In 2010, this was the last year I would perform with my sister Marquelle Dreis. I danced both the Snowflake and Waltz of the Flowers with her. She also danced as the Maid, a Mother at the Party, and Spanish. She is and will always remain to be my favorite Spanish dancer of all time. I have always looked up to her and am thankful to have received the opportunity to dance with her for so many years. She is the reason I joined Imagine Ballet Theatre. My other roles included Party Girl and one of the Chinese characters.
In 2011, I was given the opportunity to perform as the Toy Drummer and did not share this role with anyone. I enjoyed dancing every show. I was a tall Snowflake and flower in Waltz of the Flowers. I shared the role of Mirliton and the main Chinese Queen. I switched characters every other night. I felt very special to have been the first Main Chinese pointe girl where in the previous years it had been a male. Being the first to receive this role the choreography was choreographed on me and Tessa Parkinson.
The next year, 2012, I loved dancing as a Snowflake alongside my best friend, Rachel Duffin, who was Snow Queen at the time. I danced in Waltz of the Flowers and Mirliton and shared the roles of Toy Drummer and Chinese Queen.
The year 2013 was one of my favorite years because I received the honorary role of the Snow Queen. I loved dancing this character because I have always enjoyed dancing in the snow scene as well as getting to wear the beautiful tutu and ice crystal crown. As Snow Queen, in every show, I pushed out the sleigh at the end of the act and danced with the Nutcracker Prince and my favorite Clara, MaKayla Woods. This will always be one of my favorite roles in closing Act I. I was also a flower in Waltz of the Flowers. I not only got the main role of Snow Queen but also played the main role of Main Chinese Queen for every show. This year the main roles were performed by some of my best friends, Catherine Aoki as Clara, Ashleigh Richardson as Sugar Plum Fairy, and I as Snow Queen.
This year 2014 will be the seventh year I am dancing in The Nutcracker with Imagine Ballet Theatre. I’m excited to dance with all the younger dancers in the roles I once had including the pages, angels, and divertissements. I am so excited to be highlighted in the star role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Sugar Plum was performed in previous years by many great dancers I have always looked up to. My favorite who has danced this role is Christie Freebairn. Looking back when I first began dancing two of the older company dancers I admired were Jennifer Jackson and Macall Bowden who both danced Clara and Sugar Plum at one time. I have always hoped to dance in their shoes, and now the role of Sugar Plum Fairy is mine.
Please link your already existing Smith’s rewards card to #93138 and just by doing your normal shopping you will be making a donation to Imagine Ballet Theatre and help young dancers realize their full potential as performing artists here in Utah.
Week four was a difficult weekend, I had two young dancers have to pull out of the Nutcracker due to some problems at school so they could concentrate on their studies. I have always maintained that a dancers education is very important and must be a high priority, however this has left me a bit short in a couple of numbers so I have to rework or find some replacements for these parts. Never is an easy task getting this large show onstage. We will make it because the show must go on! Right! Right!
My favorite memory of performing the Nutcracker ballet with IBT is the very first year Ray choreographed it. Can you imagine being the first one to dance a part? To be the first one in a brand new costume designed to fit you? Of course, every corps member had one just like mine. But it wasn’t the same one. And all of us together, we were dancing brand new choreography in our brand new costumes. It was magnificent. Never had I felt so beautiful in my life. My part is special. I performed Clara’s friend as a Party Girl, a Snowflake, a Flower, and Spanish. And I am very protective of those parts. I strive to help the people in them because I want them to look good, doing my part. I, myself, work very hard at the new parts I’m given, because those parts had an original person to them too. They even had multiple people before me. My mother role that I have now was even played by a dancer who danced with Ray at Ballet West. Nobody can tell me that isn’t intimidating.
The best part about dancing with IBT is I’m lucky enough to not get 1 part, but more than one. And some schools, you get one, and you even share that part with another person. But I will never complain if it gets cut down because we have more people. Why shouldn’t other people get the opportunity to dance with us? Can you imagine watching a little girl take your spot that you had originally, and dancing it the best she can? I remember the joy I had when I performed Spanish and I love seeing other people get the opportunity to do it. Written by Tessa Parkinson
Third week of Nutcracker rehearsals, took back seat to a show by the Choreographer Carrie Lee Miles “Gatherings” which took place Saturday night at the Peery’s Egyptian Theater. However, we did do a bit with our Angels and I might say they are retaining and remembering rather well. I worked with Tessa Parkinson on her new role as Snow Queen. I have had Tessa as part of the company since 2003 which was the first year we IBT. She is a very conscientious dancer and thinks about everything, it is finally her turn to shine in this new role.
Imagine Ballet Theatre is now into it’s second week of Nutcracker ballet rehearsal and already the magic has begun. I would guess I might be considered the seasoned professional around here, as this will be the 42nd year I have been involved with Nutcracker. First I danced as a child with Ballet West and then I danced with the company for 17 years, moving from the corps to Principal dancer, and later as a guest artist for Clytie Adams School of Ballet (Utah), Ballet Etudes (Phoenix), West Virginia Ballet, Ballet Pacifica (California), Dance West Ballet (Chicago), Grandiva Ballet (Japan), Tyler Texas Ballet. Eight years ago I created my own Nutcracker ballet for IBT in Ogden, Utah.
It’s hard to believe we are two weeks into Nutcracker rehearsals! This past Saturday we had our second angel rehearsal. These are some of our youngest and newest dancers. In this number, at the opening of Act II, the dancers hold candles. During rehearsal we have the dancers practice by holding a water bottle to get used to the weight. A couple of dancers were holding magic wands. Suddenly, one of the youngest dancers — I believe she is 4 — tapped me with her wand and informed me that I was now a frog. So I obliged her and got down on all fours and started jumping. I asked for a kiss on the cheek so I could become a prince and she said no. Finally, after a lot of laughter she tapped me and made me a prince. Back to rehearsal we went.
Ogden, Utah, January 7, 2014: Imagine Ballet Theatre (IBT), an Ogden-based ballet company, will hold company auditions on January 18, 2014 at their studios on 2432 Washington Blvd., Suites C & D, in Ogden. Dancers will have the opportunity to audition for the upcoming 2014 performing season as well as the 2014 Summer Dance Intensive program.
Imagine Ballet Theatre’s 2014 performing season will include several performing opportunities for company members, who must be age nine or older. This spring, IBT will prepare and perform a World Premiere new work along with a second presentation of Peter and the Wolf with choreographer by IBT Artistic Director Raymond Van Mason, a former Principal at Ballet West. In February, the company hosts and participates in The Rocky Mountain Choreography Festival, with entries from artists around the nation. IBT will continue its season into December with performances of its acclaimed The Nutcracker, also with choreography by Van Mason. Other performances may be added to the company’s season as opportunities are presented. IBT is widely recognized in the region as providing quality and professional-level performances. IBT received a Utah Best of State Award in 2005, and Mason received a 2006 Utah Best of State Award for Best Choreographer as well as the Ogden Mayor‘s Award for the Arts. Dancers within the company have received recognition and summer scholarships from prestigious ballet companies and organizations such as: The Youth American Grand Prix, American Ballet Theater (NYC), Boston Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet (Seattle), The Rock for Dance Education (PA), The Joffrey Ballet School (NY), Ballet West (UT), and others.
Imagine Ballet Theatre’s Summer Dance Intensive also receives national recognition. Dancers who are accepted into the program will have the opportunity to train under professional and former professional dancers from national companies such as Los Angeles Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Ballet West, and Repertory Dance Theater, as well as a former star of Broadway who will teach jazz in the Fosse style. The summer program will offer training in ballet technique, pointe, partnering, modern dance, character development, jazz, choreography and more. Ages for the program are six and up, with an audition required for dancers ages eight and up.
When:Saturday, January 18, 2014
Ages 9 and up, registration 9:30-10:00 am; audition 10:00-12:00 pm
For Company members and Junior Company members.
Note: IBT Company members are ages 9 and up; Summer Program 8 and up
Where:Imagine Ballet Theatre, 2432 Washington Blvd, Suites C & D, Ogden
Dress:Young Women:Black leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes, if dancer is en pointe bring pointe shoes, hair in a bun
Men:White shirt, black tights or shorts, ballet shoes
Registration Fee:$25.00, non-refundable
Other:Dancers must bring a dance resume and photo
For more information about Imagine Ballet Theatre and its upcoming performances and other dance opportunities, please visit www.imagineballet.org.
I would like to announce the Choreographers participating in this years Festival. Congratulations to them all. Looking forward to seeing all their work live on stage at the Peery’s Egyptain Theatre, Feb 21 and 22 at 7:30 pm. Peoples choice voting will take place on Feb 21st show and Awards will take place on the Feb 22, 2014
Carrie Lee Miles “Delirium” People’s Choice Winner 2013 Imagine Ballet Theatre
Imagine Ballet Theatre will celebrate the life of Utah native Emilie Parker, one of the 20 children taken in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, at a performance of the Nutcracker on December 21, 2013 at Peery’s Egyptian Theater to raise money for her organization.
Emilie’s parents, Robbie and Alissa Parker, created The Emilie Parker Art Connection to support art programs in schools and communities and as a way to honor and remember their 6-year-old daughter.
In memory of Emilie Parker, many wear pink at funeral Though most Utahns didn’t know Emilie Alice Parker or her family, her story still makes one think about the innocence of children and the tragic way in which Emilie lost her life.
Hazel Clarke and the Karios Dance Company will present an evening of dance on Oct 12, 2013 at Peery’s Egyptian Theater at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available for $15.00 reserved seating. All Utah High school dance classes may get in for $7.50 by mentioning High School Dance at the box office.
The full-length production will explore the complexities and aspects of mental illness and its effect on society as well as the individual himself. As the audience takes a tour through the fictional facilities of Sunny-ville Mental Health Institute, they meet colorful characters as well as lost souls, and experience both the archaic and cutting-edge methods of psychiatric treatment used throughout history as well as today.
Sponsoring the evening: Imagine Ballet Theatre, Peery’s Egyptian Theater, Utah Dance Educators Organization, Weber State Dance Department, Ben Lomond Suites Hotel, Only in Ogden, Ogden City, Utah Division of Arts and Museums and NamiUtah.