8th annual Imagine Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive

Dancer put a great show on for IBT Summer Dance Sampler! Way to go!

Raymond –

We just wanted to say that the Summer Intensive show was wonderful! Congratulations! You and your guest artists have done such an amazing job with the dancers. The kids always amaze me with their talent and hard work. The choreography that you and the guests put together is always so inspiring to watch. You are a very talented individual and I want to thank you for sharing that with our family. We really enjoyed last nights show and admire what you do!
Our Best,
Chris and Laurie Morgan

Gary Flannery will be performing with the dancers from IBT’s Summer intensive Dance Sampler Mr. Bo Jangles choreographed for him by Bob Fosse.  He is staging a w work in the style of Fosse to music by Gershwin.

Angie Banchero Kelleher, former Repertory Dance Theater dancer and on Faculty at Utah Valley University, working on modern with the dancers.

Joined the party at Ogden’s Worldwide on 25 Celebration and Flashed the mob.


Flash mobbing at Union Station for national dance day.

Eden hitched a ride in the annual Days of 47 Parade in downtown Ogden.

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is to deep to find for words.

Ruth St. Denis.


I Dance

by Abby Hardin

Music soars, twists and turns

dives beneath my skin

Wills my muscles to move

without control, music guides me

one movement gliding into the next time flows by

nothing else matters

my heart beats to the rythem

everything in sync

Music, movement, and art combine

I dance.


Oswaldo Muniz is in Ogden from New York City to teach ballet technique, variations and create a new ballet for IBT’s Fall Gala to the music of Mozart.  He has danced with Richmond Ballet, Garden State Ballet, Edward Villella and Dancers to name a few.

Modern with Angie Banchero Kelleher.

Shoes making up a space boundary for a choreography project.

Christie Freebairn Perry is teaching today Ballet Technique.  Former Dancer with Ballet West , San Diego Ballet and guest artist with Imagine Ballet Theatre.

Allynne Noelle former Soloist with Miami City Ballet  and dancer with Los Angeles Ballet is here teaching technique, pointe and variations.

Working on Peasant Pas de Deux variation today.


4 thoughts on “8th annual Imagine Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive”

  1. So excited to be a part of IBT’s Summer Intensive this year! The girls have so much talent, focus and drive! It’s a wonderful and refreshingly professional school . . . I feel honored to be working with such a dedicated group of young artists! I hope that I can impart some knowledge and passion in my week here! Thanks for having me Ray!

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